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Joint Commission Rules and Safety Standards

Joint Commission Seal
As a Joint Commission Accredited facility, our rules are designed to ensure the highest safety standards and quality of care for our clients.  Our carefully chosen rules are meant to ensure that each client has his / her best chance of succeeding and flourishing in this therapeutic environment.

Our Standards:

  • Attendance at all scheduled groups, outside AA meetings, and 7am house meetings are mandatory.  For every 2 groups / meetings missed, an additional day will be added to your course of treatment.  This is to ensure that each client receives as complete a therapeutic treatment component as possible.  Spencer Recovery Center has designed a curriculum with 16 therapeutic and response-driven sessions during each month of treatment. This is coupled with multiple private therapy sessions and process-group activities each week.
  • Any use or possession of mind / mood altering chemicals or paraphernalia is strictly prohibited and is grounds for immediate discharge.
  • All off-site group activities will be supervised by a Spencer Recovery Center staff member or volunteer. Therapeutic passes must be approved by a clinical staff member or the attending physician.
  • Upon request of staff, all clients shall submit to drug testing at any time.  All clientele are randomly screened twice per week to ensure the safety and sobriety of the entire community.
  • Violence or violent threats are prohibited and are grounds for immediate discharge.
  • Possession of any weapon or replica of a weapon is prohibited.
  • Clients who intentionally damage or destroy property belonging to the facility or another resident will be financially responsible for all damage or destruction.
  • Clients will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner by being respectful and considerate of staff and other clients in this facility.
  • Dress code: shoes and shirts are to be worn in all common areas of the facility.  No short shorts or swimwear permitted in the common areas.  Seductive, sheer or clinging clothing is considered inappropriate.  Clothing that depicts alcohol, drug, sexual or gang related material is not allowed.  Sunglasses and / or hats are not to be worn indoors.
  • Client rooms and bathrooms shall be kept neat and clean at all times.  Beds shall be made upon rising in the morning. Making your bed is more of a therapeutic component than you think!  This is part of the Minnesota Model and is a tool to help clients nurture a sense of personal environment.
  • Smoking is only allowed in the outdoor common areas. Smoking inside the building is prohibited.
  • No yelling, shouting, or slamming of doors or windows is allowed.
  • Any staff member, after knocking and identifying themselves, has the right to enter a client’s room at any time.
  • The use of personal motor vehicles is not permitted during the primary phase of the program (first 28 days).  Clients who bring their motor vehicle to the facility must park it and surrender the keys to the front office.
  • Gambling or playing any game of chance for money or some other stake is prohibited.
  • No pornographic material, publication, or devices designed for sexual arousal (magazines, videos, accessories, etc.) are permitted on the premises.  Any and all such material will be confiscated and disposed of immediately.
  • The facility allows portable stereophonic devices as long as they do not interfere with the client’s treatment.
  • Cell phones are allowed after two weeks of treatment as long as client is current in all treatment goals. Cell phones can only be used in client’s room or the outside common area.  These rules, while difficult for some clients, are designed to assist clients in devoting their emotional attention to the therapy and treatment services at the facility.  Cell phones during the first two weeks can be distracting.  Landline phones and calling cards are available so that calls can be made during the first two weeks.  It is important to limit this practice, if possible.
  • Any DVD brought into treatment by the client that deals with inappropriate material such as drug use or sexual conduct will be confiscated by the staff and returned to the client at the time of discharge.
  • Clients shall not store or consume food or drinks in their rooms.  Only non-spill water bottles are allowed.
  • Resident council meets each week to elect officers and handle grievances for that week, and attendance is mandatory.
  • Clients will be assigned a house chore each week to be completed on a daily basis.
  • All clients are responsible for cleaning up after themselves in all areas of the facility.  This includes meal times.
  • Curfew is 10:00pm and lights are to be out at 11:00pm.  All residents need to be respectful of those choosing to retire.
  • All medications must be prescribed by a doctor and must be kept in the resident aid’s office.  All medications are to be turned over during the intake process.
  • Medication administration times are posted in the med room as well as in the client binder.
  • You may have visitors only during the designated visiting hours:
    • Thursdays 6:30pm – 9:30pm
    • Saturdays 10:00am – 4:00pm
    • Sundays 11:00am – 4:30pm
  • Visitors are to remain in the dining room and outside common area.  No guests are allowed in the client’s room or other unsupervised areas.
  • When using the pay phone, please be considerate of other residents by limiting your calls to a reasonable length of time.
  • Knowledge of another client’s failure to comply with house rules may place you in an enabling position.  Secrets and gossip threaten your recovery and are destructive to the support and trust of all clients.  It is healthy to confront your peer in the appropriate setting, such as in a group or in a meeting with staff and / or peers.
  • Stealing is not appropriate behavior and will not be condoned.
  • Energy drinks are not permitted at any point in time during treatment.  They will be confiscated.
  • All items left by residents will be considered abandoned donations to the facility after 7 days of discharge.
  • All concerns and questions should be taken to a staff member.  Any complaints are to be taken to the Program Administrator.
  • Any counselor or RA II or III may place clients on restriction for violation of any of these house rules.  Clients on restriction may not leave the main house for a stated period of time, usually 24 hours.
  • All products containing alcohol will be destroyed. Use of aerosol spray will be under the supervision of the staff.
  • Clients who leave the facility by jumping the fence will be considered AWOL and will forfeit all treatment funds.  If a client wants to leave treatment, please use the front door.  For a client to re-admit they must agree to restart their 28 day treatment program.
  • Refusal to comply with these house rules is grounds for disciplinary action or immediate discharge from the program.